Walker: Solana më pyeti,

William Walker, a former head of the Verification Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, today held a discussion in the reporting center in Pristina, while he was told by his mission in Kosovo, his career and a small private life.

He said that after the end of the mission in Kosovo, no OSCE member from the headquarters asked something about his work in Kosovo.

“As far as the task of the Kosovo review mission is concerned, the task was clearly given to do the work with honesty and sincerity. She (Madeleine Albright) told me that they did a good job in Croatia. I personally think you did an excellent job in Kosovo and have not worried that you have other tasks, not in Central America, not in Africa south. But you will have other missions. But that didn’t happen. Six months later I was retired and retired. “

“When I ended the mission in Kosovo, I went to Vienna, I went to the OSCE office, went to Washington and never, no member of the OSCE, never alone, nobody in the US State Department, I didn’t ask anything about it at any level My mission in Kosovo. If I felt that I had done a good job or not. It was very strange. So my career didn’t go anywhere, ”said Walker, reports Kosovapress.

Among the many topics, Walker also spoke about his confrontations with the former Yugoslav President, who is known as the “Balkan Metzger”, Slobodan Milosevic.

He said Milosevic had never “left” when Walker wanted to argue about Kosovo that he didn’t suit him.

“Milosevic always had 4-5 consultants next to him. You never spoke, only Milosevic spoke. I told him that I heard that the Kosovo population is a vast majority of the Albanians and a small percentage of Serbian. “

“He said to me: ‘You are wrong, you are wrong, you have more, I will tell you. There are more Serbs in Kosovo as an Albanian. If I tried to argue something, he wouldn’t even leave a point. His advisors followed him.

When asked what Milosevic said in the Hague when he met him, Walker said: “In 2002 or 2003 it was interesting. Instead of meeting President Milosevic, who are now surrounded by his consultants, he was here, the accused. We were in front of each other, we spoke with a simultaneous translation. He treated the Court when he treated me and said that “Walker’s certificate is a lie. I will tell you what was true.” Switched from topic to topics. “

Walker says that his greatest pride is faced as he calls it, war criminal, Slobodanian Milosevic.

“It was one of my greatest pride in the face of this criminal war and said things in my eyes. This is not often the case in the world. I hoped that life would be extended and in prison, ”said Walker.

Among other things, Walker told the event that Javier Solana, Secretary General of NATO, met him on the stairs of the NATO headquarters and asked what to do for the situation in Kosovo.

He said he told him that “the only solution was the bomb attack”.

“I went to General Clark, he was busy. Then Javier Solana, Secretary General of NATO. I went to him and he was busy meeting with the contact group. And while I went down the stairs of the NATO headquarters, Javier Solana, his team … “I apologize for canceling the meeting to go to Berlin, Paris, London, Washington.” We talked for a few minutes and surprised me when he told me: “Walker, what to do, what should NATO do?” At that moment I was a simple ambassador to NATO’s general secretary and asks me what NATO alliance should do. And I was surprised and stunned. “

“I couldn’t answer, only one word came to my mind, I said ‘Bombard’. He looked at me and said:” Are you sure we should bomb? “I came back, I thought and said:” Yes, yes “I don’t see something else will work.” After a few days, the bomb attack started. I don’t get earnings or guilt for it, “said Walker.

Walker also spoke about Racak’s massacre during his mission in Kosovo, the Panda case and other events. /KP

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