The ruling party treacherously stormed the Independent Media Commission.
It all started this morning when Vetëvendosje-affiliated member Luljeta Aliu invited other members of the CPM to a meeting to secretly change the regulation that would pave the way for the election of the new president, reports Klankosova.tv.
That’s exactly what happened!
After the first amendment to the regulation, a vote was taken on the new chairmanship, with Besnik Berisha becoming chairman of the KPM with 4 votes.
But according to current mayor Jeton Mehmeti, what happened today is against the law.
Even before Mehmet’s mandate expired, the pro-government members hastily decided to elect a new president.
This action provoked major reactions in civil society and the country’s media, as the “conquest” goals of Albin Kurti’s government are clear.
The one who is still legally the chairman of the Independent Media Commission asked for a break to clarify everything about whether what happened today can be legitimate.
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