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The love of a parent to your child does not change with age, but the relationship can develop. Some parents are friendly with their children over time with their children, others are distanced. Parents sometimes find it difficult to contact their adult child. Experts say that the distance should not be permanent.

Psychologists Thai Alonso and Anna Vanmeter reveal the parade to improve relationships.

How can you improve relationships with adult children?

“If the connection with the baby is not stronger, it can be repaired with mutual effort,” says psychologist Anna Vanmeter. Opening, respect for limits and the responsibility of both parties are essential.

Vanmeter recommends that adult children not only see them as “children”, but as friends. This can change the way you communicate and strengthen the connection. “Sometimes mutual respect, love and support are sufficient for a better relationship,” reports

Psychologists indicate that communication is of crucial importance for improving relationships. “Open and non -evaluating conversation helps to build a healthy relationship,” explains Alonso.

Tips for a healthy relationship with adult children

In order to improve communication with adult children, psychologists underline the most common causes of distancing and tips to overcome them. Small changes can significantly improve a relationship.


“When your children speak, they listen carefully and show interest in their values ​​and interests,” advises Alonso. Vanmeter adds that sensitive and non -collected listening build trust and honesty.

Respect them.

Your child is an adult with her own decisions, even if you don’t understand it. “A supporting path to express the dispute is to say:” I don’t understand your choice, but I love and respect your decisions, “says Alonso, writes Index.

Try to see them

If you do not live nearby, it is important to manage contacts through telephone calls, messages or visits.

Do not treat them as children

Parents often worsen adult children when they try to make decisions for them. Vanmeter points out that it is important not to intervene unless you are looking for your advice.

Take responsibility for your mistakes

“If you accidentally injured a baby, accept it, apologize and try to change it,” advises Alonso. Small changes can have an enormous impact on a relationship.

Don’t give advice all the time

“If you are not looking for your opinion, don’t put them on,” advises Vanmeter. Support and respect are the basics of a healthy relationship.

Accept the disputes

“It is normal for your child to have a different opinion than she has,” says Alonso. Instead of discouraging it, remember that you have learned to form your views.

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