Shkodra: Deputetët e VV-së u

The Vetevendosje movement has published the list of the votes of each candidate from the parliamentary elections of February 9th.

The analyst Magbule Shkodra commented on this result and found that most VV candidates would not become a member without the support of Albin Kurti.

“If Albin Kurti were not number 1 on the list, none of the others would become a MP. Wherever they went to other parties or a new subject that they do not get enough voices to secure a place in the meeting. It is the coordination for Albin that she kept in the game, ”said Shkodra in the” 7 Ora “studio in Klan Kosova.

Shkodra also mentioned Donika Gervalla and Mimoza Kusari-Lila.

“Donika Gervalla has not proven that she deserves the vote. Mimoza Kusari-Lila, who had to be punished for the affair with Milan Radoicic, is also a beneficiary of the votes just because Albin is there, ”she added.

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