Shihen krah Kurtit, a po i

Members of the Deçan movement are close to Prime Minister Albin Kurti, for whom today the topic was discussed on the “Kosova Today” show in Klan Kosova.

In this regard, Dibran Gashi from the movement of Deçan explained that everyone had the right to political orientation.

“Apart from the impression that you say, which is someone else who is connected to the government party, although the right of all to have a political orientation.”

“Deçan’s movement is the cause of the uprising due to the actions of certain Hoxhali, which have insulted national values ​​and national culture,” said Gashi.

“We saw the party, but also the list of family members, I refer to those who were with Kurti. Today they are separated because of the civil law, these signals that can combine are of interest, for example, some other groups. You are with Kurti, we can work out ”, this was the question of the moderator for Avni Çakmaku.

In this regard, Chakmaku had an expanded reaction,

“If you look at it, even though you try to present it as something else, but essentially you have the same purpose, the damage to the national structure of Kosovo. This by an element that has found him religiously, also through an element that the family found. “

“Even they gradually combine in a general cause that is absolutely the devaluation of the Albanian state and the nation,” he said.

In the meantime, journalist Ardian Gaxherri spoke about the ruling party and said that she absorbed all narcots.

“The Vetevendosje movement has absorbed all narcots, the strongest pendants come from the narcotics, we see Drilon Bardhi, this Mujeci,” said Gajeri.

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