Shala: Sanksioni anti-dumping

Dardan Shala, General Manager of the “Divali Corporation”, said that Diveli Corporation in the textile industry or mattress production has a tradition of over 35 years in its production.

“It was decided somewhere in 2012 that the production of mattresses in Peja was to move them to Gjakova. For the only purpose of Gjakova was an industrial city, and which once had the textile industry, with people who had the work of the textile work and we decided to get there. In view of this fact and the fact that we had certain development plans that we developed, ”said Shala in the special edition of Klan Kosova.

“During our development process, we managed to sign the extremely large contracts and influenced the increase in production, consequently the export of mattresses to the USA. As for clarification, the United States is an extremely large market that is only on an annual basis for mattresses on an annual basis. “Diveli” has reached the highlight of the export to America to reach the value of 130 million euros, not even 1 percent of the market there. Extremely considerable for us.

“We made plans because we analyzed it well and have had an experience in the United States, we have extraordinary development plans. We started the capacity that we had at the peak of the development (today there is Today in Skivjan the building that was built) for double capacity.

He also clarified the problem of damping.

“The damping is also a measure, a sanction that a state takes up another state, initially on the initiative of the business of this country to prevent them from going into their country and competing. It can be seen that the US mattress lobby is very powerful, ”said Shala. /

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