For Sali Berisha, Java will start at the doors of the special prosecutor, where he will respect the “Obligation” security measure defined by the CCKO tomorrow as part of the examination of the “Partizani” file.
Together with the leader of the Democratic Party on the premises around the Spak, Berisha’s supporters will be present again this time.
To make this possible, the top democrat, who asked for mobilization from the structures of the Blue Headquarters at 9:30 a.m., took care of it.
“Dear friends. Tomorrow on Monday at 9:30 p.m., the President of the DP, Prof. Dr. Sali Berisha will be in the doors of Skap! Please mobilize the branch structures to be all there. At 9:30 a.m. in front of the Skap headquarters. Thank you!
Berisha’s call to collect his supporters to protect the judicial organs.
“All standards were exceeded. I give Edi Rama an ultimatum, do not dare to organize another protest that the opposition will react with counter tension that you cannot imagine. Don’t dare, remember. But a protest call, the final protest is called for you, ”said Berisha at the press conference on Friday.
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