Reali Madridi ka plot 59 trofe

Although it has been one of the clubs that dominated English football in recent years, Manchester City is still far from large European football names.

In particular, there is a significant difference to today’s opponent in the Champions League.

Real Madrid has reported a full 102 trophies and 43 “citizens”,

All the more when international titles are compared.

The “Melves” only won the Champions League 15 times, and the city only once.

Even in state competitions, the difference between these two teams is enormous.

The “kings” in Spain have met 36 times, while “citizens” won the best of the best in England in 10 deals, reports

In the photo below you can see all the trophies that the two teams won this evening at 9 p.m., the second act of 1/16 of the final in the UEFA Champions League.

Real Madrid – Manchester City, broadcast on the platform this evening ArtRTK channel.

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