Rasti ndaj Thaçit dhe të

In the case of former President Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Jakup Krasniqi and Rexhep Selimi, the office of public prosecutor’s specialist in Haag once again made some changes to the list of witnesses.

According to a published document ,, Spo Will no longer rely on the certificate of some witnesses whose names have not been published.

Among other things, it is said that some evidence is given in writing, exceeds Klankosova.tv

After these changes, only six witnesses remain, for which no announcement or confirmation of their status was given.

“With these further changes, only six witnesses remain, for which a message or another status indicator is expected. This is done as soon as possible, as soon as possible, to offer enough time for the preparation” observe.

In addition, the public prosecutor has stated that it will make the necessary notifications at the best time for the proper preparation.

This submission was submitted as confidential in accordance with rule 82 point 4 of the special court proceedings.

Otherwise, Thaci, Veseli, Krasniqi and Selimi are in the Hague from November 2020.

Since then they have been brought to court for war crimes

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