​Protestat në Serbi, studentët

Student blocks and protests in Serbia, which exploded after the tragedy in Novi Sad on November 1, 2024, are continued for 15 hours today with the main meeting in downtown Kragujevci.

Students who died from various Serbienstädts arrived in downtown Kragujevci last night, where they were received by a large number of citizens.

According to the plan published by students from the University of Kragujevci, to which the blockade has been accompanied for months, and the organizers of the Protest Citizenship Day from 9:00 a.m. to midnight and symbolized 15 hours of blockade for the 15 victims of the tragedy.

The students will honor the victims of the tragedy twice – at 11:52 and 23:52. The rules of the protest that the students explained on Instagram are that nobody that causes incidents that prohibit the use of pyrotechnic vehicles and the ignition of fires, and only emergency services are permitted for the surrounding.

In the regulations, students say that the guards should denounce a violation of protest rules, any form of inappropriate behavior, people with possession of possessions, suspicious persons and potential provocateors.

During the protest, there will be a large screen on which the participants leave their traces and experiences from the blockade, the students say.

The collapse of the roof of the railway in Novi Sad left 15 people and some injured. This prompted Serbian students to start protests that spread in Serbia as part of a movement that requires responsibility and justice.

President Aleksandar Vucic has accused the protests that foreign services can overthrow him. So far, Prime Minister Milos Vuçevic has resigned, which was considered a Vucic strategy to win in time.

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