Policia godet rrjetin e

The Kosovo police report that they carried out a police operation in the Muhajer district in the capital, in which two people and a car were arrested.

During the search, the suspect was found with the initials and, with 117.8 grams of marijuana in a single package and 24 small packages of 26 grams of marijuana. While in the car of the second person with the initials SH.I. A small packaging with a gram of marijuana was found.

“According to the parenting lawyer, a search was also carried out in the apartment and the basement of the AB -Päligen, where we also divided 79.7 grams of marijuana into sales packages, digital scales, two packages with speech and a phone.”

“All material evidence was confiscated by the regional forensic unity in Prishina. The suspect was arrested for 48 hours on the command of the public prosecutor, while the person SH.I was interviewed as a witness, ”says the police in Kosovo.

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