The PDK candidate for Prime Minister, Bedri Hamza, held a mass rally in Mitrovica this evening in his hometown.
“Today we are not just for a rally. Today we are here for an oath. An oath for our families, for our children, for our future. I see you in the eye and see your determination. I see your pride. I know you all. I have them as a big family because they were throughout my career, they supported me and entrusted me with their voice. Therefore, it is a special emotion to come in front of you because we see them here every day and share the same jobs! We made big challenges together. We achieved great success together. And together we will win again on February 9th for a Kosovo that can do better!
He added that Mitrovica was always the heart of development, progress and national pride.
“If Kosovo needs, Mitrovica answers! If Mitrovica moves, the whole place is going on! And today, from the city of Isa Boletin, Meha Uka and Artim Jashari, let Kosovo hear that a new wind is blowing. And on February 9th, this spirit, this energy by you, will explode to a great victory!
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