The executive director of the Kosovo Institute for Justice, Ehat Miftaraj, said that the Kurti government is a champion for corruption.
According to Miftaraj, his opinion is based on surveillance, police and criminal prosecution investigations and the way the government party decided, reports Klankosova.tv.
“We take ourselves in the past four years in which the public debate in Kosovo has been organized. The Kosovo-Serbia, north, Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, north, sovereignty, attacks Serbia radoically. In a way, this influenced citizen orientation, “he said on the show” Dpt te fidani “.
“We know that before Veteevendosje there was discussion, corruption, corruption and corruption in the television studios. Not that this government is more incorruptible, this time will prove that they are advocates of corruption, time will be demonstrated. This is based on surveillance based on investigations by the police and the public prosecutor, as it decided with the country. “
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