Kurti takon koordinatorin e

Prime Minister Albin Kurti met with the US general Michael Fenzel, the security coordinator of the United States for Israel and Palestine.

The announcement issued by the government says that Kurti emphasized investments in defense and weapons, cooperation with the United States as a special friend, irreplaceable partner and the large ally of the country, and their valuable contribution to liberation, independence and democratization of the country, but but Also in the further development and strengthening of Kosovo security ”.

Among other things, it is added that the Prime Minister has taken out the cooperation in the defense area from the acquisition of the Black Hawk helicopter to work with US troops in Kuwait and participation as participation, and the participation as a country in the defender of Europe. 25, but also in the country of practice.

In the meeting, the possibilities for the participation and contribution from Kosovo to initiatives were discussed and coordinated by the United States of America and joint partners.

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