The Vetevendosje movement seems to have mobilized with all the strengths so as not to lose first place in the elections on February 9th. |
One of the measures to maintain the coordination 4 years ago is the free departure of buses from Germany to Kosovo to coordinate this political unit so that you can travel free of charge in exchange for the coordination of the government party.
This step by Prime Minister Kurti has irritated irritated tourist companies in Kosovo, who viewed him as a direct attack by the government.
9,000 euros are the average of a bus that will carry 60-50 people from Germany to Kosovo, and the question arises who will pay for my home trip.
Ruzhdi Kurtishaj by Sharhar Travel shows that the costs for a trip are extremely high.
Of the shops that were caused by Kurishaj to the damage, up to 150,000 euros.
The Sharr Travel Leader adds that all of these income that was distributed to different tourist companies go to a certain company.
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