Krasniqi: S’ka pasur as s’ka

Memli Krasniqi in Rubikon with Adriatik Kelmendi was asked whether they will form a governing coalition with the Vetëvendosje movement after the results of the February 9 elections are published.

He had a clear answer to that.

“I made it clear earlier: whoever thought about this news, I understand that a two-hour meeting can restore our entire relationship, which is problematic because there is a very big gap that cannot be filled with one meeting. “, a dinner, but it can’t be filled with who knows how many meetings.

“That’s why there is no plan for a coalition with Vetevendosje, because our difference is very big.” We don’t even agree on the past, let alone the future, we have discrepancies in the way we plan the development of the Seeing Kosovo and the history of Kosovo,” Krasniqi said.

Krasniqi also says a few words about the red lines.

“I have always ruled it out, but we don’t want to say we have red lines because it is one of the most unnecessary words in politics,” Krasniqi said.

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