It has been 21 years since Pashije Basha picked up the diary, and since that day he has been teaching every morning at the “Xhavit Ahmeti” primary school in Hodonoc, Kamenica.
Even this Wednesday, she was at work keeping watch as usual, but her colleague, who she has never seen, is being paid for the hours Pashija puts in while she enjoys her morning coffee in the warmth of the house.
The 64-year-old woman tells KIKS that she will be retiring at the end of this month. In these 21 years, she cannot remember having another colleague who taught the Albanian language alongside her to students.
According to Pashije, even if Arta wanted to work at this school since she is paid, it would be impossible due to the very small number of students, which does not meet the norm for two teachers.
In front of the KIKS camera, the 64-year-old denied ever seeing Arta teaching at this school.
Arta Morina signed a contract in September 2024 to continue teaching after Pashija’s retirement, although her retirement was still five months away.
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