The Kosovo Police Inspectorate has announced details of the accident in Çubrel of Skenderaj, in which three people lost their lives and five others were injured.
A police vehicle and a civilian vehicle were involved in this accident. According to the IPK statement, four police officers and a citizen from the civilian vehicle suffered serious injuries and were sent to the KKUK for medical treatment.
According to the IPK, based on the initial investigative actions, there is a suspicion that the accident was caused by the driver of the police service vehicle not adjusting the speed of the vehicle to the road conditions, crossing the oncoming lane and hitting the civilian car.
The IPK has recommended the suspension of the police officer who drove the vehicle involved in this accident, reports Klankosova.tv.
“As a result of the accident, unfortunately three people (who were in the civilian car), a man and two women, lost their lives. The bodies of the three victims were sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for autopsy.
“As part of the administrative procedure and in the interests of the investigation, the IPK recommended the suspension of the police officer who was the driver of the police official vehicle at the time of the accident, while investigative measures are initiated in coordination with competent public prosecutor.
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