Ramush Haradinaj, candidate for prime minister from the coalition “Winner Kosovo”, promised to reduce the electricity price and added that there would be no growth.
According to Haradinaj, there will be a reduction in the energy price by 20 percent and added that Kosovo will give energy performance, reports Klankosova.tv.
“We will reduce the energy price – there is no growth! If you get your trust, we will reduce the energy price by 20 percent. There will be neither a price increase nor manipulation with so -called tariffs, which have become a mechanism for the citizen for unbearable bills. Kosovo does not become the most expensive goods in the country in energy and energy. “
“We will not allow the neighbors’ market and energy to determine prices. We will produce the energy ourselves and control the prices ourselves. We will build and restore the capacities that Kosovo gives 1500 megawatts energy. Gas power plant, wind energy, solar collectors, biomass, water and with the restructuring of existing capacities. At 137 for the winning cosovo, the struggle for energy is won!
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