Gratë duan lule, por burrat

According to a Swagbucks survey, sex is the best gift for men on the day of lovers, namely Valentine.

The first gift that people want to make on this date is a romantic dinner with over 90 percent of men and women who decide to dinner as main elections. Sex comes with 81 percent of men and 79 percent of women who plan to “share love” on Valentine’s Day.

Men will give:

Flowers – 81%

Chocolate – 76%

Jewelry – 61%

Women will give:

Chocolate – 61%

Weekend holidays – 55%

Clothing – 55%

The survey also showed that three four of the Americans hope to get something in exchange for their gift.

Almost half (46 percent) look forward to sex, followed by a gift or dinner.

Most Americans (87 percent) agree that Valentine’s Day is not the case if they spend more money on the other.

Plan 25 percent to spend 50 to 99 US dollars

22 percent plan to spend 25 to 49 US dollars

Plan 20 percent to spend 100 to 149 US dollars

In addition, most Americans do not expect expensive, 26 percent complex gifts that are waiting to receive a gift that costs 50 to 99 US dollars, and 25 percent expect to receive a gift of 25 to 49 US dollars.

The other half (49 percent) does not even take care of whether you get a gift that costs less than what you bought, reports

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