Çun Lajçi, Kurtit: Deshte –

Well-known artist Çun Lajçi has responded to Prime Minister Albin Kurti regarding his comments on the company “Devolli Corporation”.

In an article on his Facebook, Lajçi said that even in the era of “Odes,” it was not considered wise to speak ill of others in order to improve oneself.

The actor said that Shkëlqim Devolli built a “hill” from which thousands of Dukagjin families would be fed.

“In Peja e Begollë there was no need to talk about the ‘wheels’ of Ibrahim Devolli to undo the ‘hill’ of Shkëlqim, because you wanted – you didn’t want, my family from Dukagjin is fed in his factory and We need employment, not migration! “We also need Shkëlqimi, perhaps more reserved and ducal than it seems,” wrote Lajçi, among others.

Chun Lajci’s full text:

Dear Prime Minister!

There’s one thing I don’t like, so I’ll say it openly!

– Talking badly about others in order to elevate yourself is not wise, that wasn’t even the case at the time of the “Odes”! Even the people of that time spoke of the coast sinking around the field, that the field was raising the coast, not that the coast was lowering the plain!

In Peja e Begollë there was no need to talk about the “wheels” of Ibrahim Devolli to undo the “hill” of Shkelqim, because you wanted – you didn’t want, my Dukagjin family is fed in his factory and we need employment, not migration! We also need Shine, perhaps tamer and ducal than it seems!

Preserve your manhood and your nobility, you seed of the four, for if you lower the banks, even the streams will become terrible! You are noble, knowledgeable and patriotic, measured and patient, but do not get carried away by the crowd, because then you will not know where the fair will end! Moderation is best when making the tribunal!

Don’t worry about the nonsense of those you are against, but worry about the honey that heals people’s souls, and tomorrow keep the promises that you have forgotten the last 4 years, so don’t forget the ones that Next mandate will come in the future!

We do not need deceptions and threats, because they have been exposed to us for 20 years and not a single day; – We became donkeys or rabbits!

Rise above yourself, not above others, and forget about comparisons and denigrations that are equated with our fields, we need hills!

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