Abdixhiku: Nuk kam urrejtje

The candidate of the LDK Prime Minister, Lumir Abdixhiku, said during the rally in Viti that he had no hatred of his opponents because he says that there is no time to lose.

He adds that the hatred, the division, the department and the frustration leave the party in the judgment, which, according to Abdixhik, did nothing for four years, reports Klankosova.tv.

“Even in this campaign, I have no hatred of my opponents, I have no incentive for others who do not think like us, I have no will to stay in the inner anger because we have no time to lose. We leave hatred, Frustration, division and division of those who do nothing in four years and give the citizens the solution, hope that we give the model program that transforms Kosovo into an exemplary state, ”said the candidate for Prime Minister.

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