Shkëlqim Hajdari nderohet me

Yesterday there was a special event in the message of the world peace message, where the 17th anniversary of the independence of Kosovo was celebrated with a worthy ceremony.

In this important event, the chief inspector of the Republic of Albania and the prominent personality, Mr. Shkelqim Hajdari was honored with the high title “Ambassador of Peace” to appreciate his extraordinary contribution to peace, justice and human values.

This award is awarded to people who have shown leadership, integrity and commitment to build a fairer and united society.

Honor and pride for everyone who was and are lucky enough to work with such a personality who embodies and convey the highest human values!

The contribution Shkelqim Hajdari is honored with the high title “Ambassador of Peace” on the 17th anniversary of the independence of Kosovo appeared first Klan Kosova.

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