Donald Trump called Volodymyr Zelensky “Dictator” in a hard position on “TRSD Social”.
The US President said that his Ukrainian counterpart had done a “terrible job” and that it moves better or no state remains “.
“I love Ukraine, but Zelensky did a terrible job, his country was destroyed and millions have died unnecessarily – and so on …”, he reports Skynews.
He said Zelensky, whom he described as a “modest successful comedian”, prompted America to “go into a war that could not be won”.
“He refuses to have elections, it is very depressed in surveys in Ukraine and the only thing he was, he added bidding like a violin, he added.
“A dictator without a choice, Zelensky, is better moving quickly or remains without a state.”
In the meantime, Trump said that the USA “successfully negotiated an end to war with Russia”, which “everyone accepts” that can only reach its government.
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