Banori ekskluziv: Milaimi e

Leo, Gresa and Drenusha were eliminated in the semi-finals on Friday evening.

It was the 26th prime number, until this time heated debates between the residents could no longer be overlooked.

At the center of the discussions was Sara, who was caught in a game by Driloni, who tried to trap Leo.

Sara didn’t take it well.

Until Driloni said that he was aware of a game he wanted to play with Leo.

Sara claimed that she was aware of this.

But that wasn’t all.

There had been heated arguments between Sarah and Janet over the course of the week. And that also sparked primetime discussions about the method of blackmailing Jeneta against Sara.

And the main protagonist in it, Sara, categorically denied such things.

Dissatisfied with Janet’s style of play, in order to blackmail her, the commentators and moderators act quite harshly.

And while residents have been concerned about the arrival of the black envelope all week, it wasn’t just for one resident.

And the punishment for breaking the rules was that 20,000 euros would be taken away if one of them won the big prize.

On the other hand, the story about her life, the last one, was by Driloni.

He talked about his victims, the injuries he sustained in the boxing match, and in the end he was completely surprised by his brother and his aunt’s son.

At the beginning of this issue, it was promised that at the end you would give a person a car through a game on social networks, and it just so happened that the decision was in Xuxi’s hands.

The winner of this third edition of Big Brother Vip Kosova will be chosen on January 24th. /

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