​27 vjet nga sulmi i dytë në

Today marks the 27th anniversary of Serbia’s second attack on the family of legendary commander Adem Jashari in Prekaz.

On January 22, 1998, in the early hours of the morning, Serbian police forces moved from the hunting ammunition factory, about 500 meters from the houses of the Jashari district, towards the Jashari Tower to attack it with various types of weapons.

Today marks the 26th anniversary of Serbia’s second attack on the family of legendary commander Adem Jashari in Prekaz.

On January 22, 1998, in the early hours of the morning, Serbian police forces moved from the hunting ammunition factory, about 500 meters from the houses of the Jashari district, towards the Jashari Tower to attack it with various types of weapons.

Since Adem Jashari was not at home that night, Shabani and Hamza, along with their nephews and nieces, resisted the attack by the Serbian police.

According to Kosovapress, Serbia’s third attack on the Jashari family occurred on March 5, 1998. After a three-day war, 59 members of the Jashari family, including legendary KLA commander Adem Jashari, had heroically fallen.

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